
Pacific Coast Camp 2010

      Well, where to begin? CAMP was AMAZING this year! the preaching, fellowship, recreation, attitudes, food.... were all great! I hope every young person left the camp saying "I refuse to be a part of another generation". I will be posting more pictures, but here is just a few. p.s. got any camp stories? I LOVE CAMP STORIES :-)


We had a HOLY GHOST PARTY on Friday Night!!! (For those of you who weren't there,
Bro. Davis preached and handed out party hats, symbolizing that we needed to have
a Holy Ghost PARTY!!)


Where are the days going?!?!?!?!

I cannot believe how fast time is flying. It seems like just yesterday Michael and I got engaged and started planning and it has been TWO WHOLE months! In three days is Family Camp!!! I am not even packed!!! It seems like all I do is get up in the morning and do wedding stuff, barely eat, go to bed, and repeat the process.

It is kinda fun I do have to admit. It is definately an exciting time. Although it can get a bit overwhelming. I do have to say I have the greatest help, Mom Truck has been amazing! We have been brewing up some great ideas, we are a great team. (Mike included of course. I feel so bad, he does kinda feel left out)

I have the baker, photographer-the AMAZING Kari Morgan, reception place all lined up. We are working on a florist as we speak. The reception is all inclusive kinda which makes it soo much easier!

Anyway today Mike had my watch engraved!!! When he proposed he didn't have much time since he was planning to suprise and all. He was too busy trying to get the menu all taken care of ;). Since then I have been very paitent even though he might not say so. Regardless he suprised me! It was very sweet and thoughtful, it says "'Sherry, "I am Yours Till The End Of Time.' -Mike 4-17-10"

We had our save the dates send out today, I am so proud of myself!!! lol. I have written over 100 addresses, I do not want to see addresses as long as I live. The invitations will be better since they will have labels.

Now I have to get packing for camp! Can't wait!!!!


US :-)

More Pictures To Come...Here is a Sneak Peak ;-)

Yee Haw!
Ranch Hands